Output File Area
Output File Area is a part of the AVS Document Converter main window where you can set the location for your output documents and start the conversion process.
![AVS Document Converter](https://onlinehelpstaticcontents.avs4you.com/en/images/documentconverter/outputarea.png)
It consists of the following items
Output Directory - use this field to see the destination folder path. By default, the destination folder is set to Local disk:\Users\User_Name\Documents\AVS4YOU\AVSDocumentConverter.
Browse... - use this button to select or create your own folder on the computer hard disk to store output files.
Convert Now! - use this button to start the conversion process. Once you click it, it will turn into the Stop Conversion! button to let you cancel the conversion when needed.
Note - use this notification field to see how many files are currently opened in the program and how many of them can be converted to the selected output format.