Status Bar
The Status Bar is situated at the bottom of the program Main Window and is used to zoom in or out the objects displayed in the Editing Area as well as to view information relating to the opened project type, the page you are editing and the objects currently selected.

The status bar comprises the following elements:
Project - in this section the project type you selected is displayed.
Page - here you can see the number of the page you are editing. The total amount of pages in your project depends on its type.
Selection - the number of objects selected within the Editing Area is shown here.
Zoom - the current zoom value in percent is given in this area. You can use the zoom slider to change it as well as press one of the following buttons:
- use it to make the image fit the Editing Area
- use it to zoom out the image in the Editing Area
- use it to zoom in the image in the Editing Area