Watching the Traffic Statistics
Traffic statistics lets you watch and estimate the incoming traffic received and outgoing one sent by applications on different protocols as well as general information on enabled connections of different types that you use to have an access to the outer environment.
To watch the statistics, click the Statistics tab of the Menu Pane. The page area has two tabs:

Applications. This tab contains the table filled with detailed and refreshed in real time information on application connection traffic:
Name |
Shows the full path to an application including its executable name. |
Incoming |
Shows the size of incoming traffic received by an application in bytes. |
Outgoing |
Shows the size of outgoing traffic sent by an application in bytes. |
Summary |
Shows the summarized size of traffic on an application in both directons. |
Graphic. This tab contains the chart plotted on the incoming traffic data. Horizontal axis of the chart is used to designate time and vertical one shows the incoming traffic size in kilobytes per time units marked on the horizontal axis. Watching the chart you can track incoming traffic on TCP, UDP, ARP protocols both apart and summary – that's why you can see four curves of different colors. If you do not want to watch incoming traffic on all the criteria just uncheck unnecessary legends:

The Connection statistics section of the Graphic tab contains the following information on connection:
- Duration – time passed since AVS Firewall has been loaded;
- Speed – the current speed at which traffic is being received at the moment;
- Sent – the general size of outbound traffic sent during the current Windows session;
- Received - the general size of inbound traffic received during the current Windows session.
To clear and zeroize the shown statistics, click the Reset button.