Changing the Program Settings
To change settings, click the Settings tab:

The page contains the sections with settings:
- Start with Windows - by default AVS Firewall starts together with Windows but you can disable that by unchecking this option.
Registry Defender
- Automatically deny untrusted application attempts to modify registry - if the option is checked then any attempt to modify registry by an application that does not have the digital signature will be rejected automatically. The right bottom corner notification window will appear to inform you about that.
- Default permission for unhandled alerts - choose what permission should be assigned for each new registry modification attempt by default - in case you close the Alert Window when it appears, its display time expires before you take a decision or if you do not use it at all (the Show Alert Window option is unchecked).
Network Protection
- Automatically generate allowing rules for trusted applications - if the option is checked the Allow all rule for an application that has the digital signature will be added automatically when it initiates a connection. The right bottom corner notification window will appear to inform you about that.
- Always create a permanent rule - if the option is enabled then the Create a permanent rule option of Alert Window will be always checked.
- Default permission for unhandled alerts - choose what permission should be assigned for each new connection by default - in case you close the Alert Window when it appears, its display time expires before you take a decision or do not use it at all (the Show Alert Window option is unchecked).
- Show Alert Window - if the option is checked the Alert Window will appear for each new connection or registry modification attempt.
- Display time - check the option and input a time value if you want to limit the Alert Window display duration.
To save the changes, click the
Save settings button.
To restore the settings AVS Firewall had originally, click the Reset to default button.