Quick Access Toolbar
The Quick Access Toolbar is used to get quick access to the basic functions of the AVS Cover Editor program and includes the following items:
Open Project - press this button to open another project. More information on it you can find in the Opening Projects chapter.
Save Project - press this button to save the current project. To learn more read the Saving Projects chapter.
Print Project - press this button to print the current project. For further information read the Printing and Saving as Images chapter.

- use this arrow to open the express menu, which comprises the only option, that is: Minimize the Ribbon. After pressing it the Ribbon Command Bar will be hidden. Only tabs will be shown for you to continue the editing process. By clicking one of the tabs the Ribbon Command Bar will be displayed on top of the Main Window. If you want the Ribbon Command Bar to be integrated into the Main Window structure, click this option once again unticking it.