DVD Video
DVD Video discs contain both audio and video signals and have a specific folders structure. They store DVD video of a special format supporting features such as menus, selectable subtitles, multiple camera angles and multiple audio tracks. Such discs can be played back in all home DVD players.

To create a DVD video disc proceed through the following easy steps:
Press the DVD Video button on the Main Toolbar.
Insert a blank DVD disc into your optical drive. Select this drive in the Drive Selection Dropdown List if you have several drives in your system. The disc inserted into the drive will be automatically detected and opened.
Click the Add DVD Video... button to open the Select Files/Folders window and add the VIDEO_TS folder to the Files and Folders Area for burning.
Have a look at the Disc Size Meter to make sure all the data fits to the inserted disc.
Click the Settings button to view and adjust the burning settings.
Select the number of disc copies, which you would like to create, in the Number of Copies field.
Click the Start Burning! button to review burning settings and launch the process.