Optimization Settings

[Automatically detect optimizations] [Force optimizations]
Automatically detect optimizations - this setting lets the codec automatically detect the CPU type and the instructions set it can use best.
It is recommended to leave this setting On.
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Force optimizations - this setting lets you override the codec internal CPU detection and use the instructions set you consider necessary.
Usually, you should leave this on auto detection. If you get weird crashes or strange results, you might first try to disable SSE + SSE 2, if still nothing changed disable 3DNow! + 3DNow! 2 and so on.
This is only for situations where the wrong CPU extensions get used and produce erroneous output.
3DNow! and 3DNow! 2 belongs to AMD (Advanced Micro Devices), while the rest are Intel Architecture technology.
It is not recommended to change this setting.
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If you are not sure which settings to use you can press the Default button to discard the changes and restore default settings.
When ready press the OK button to accept the changes you have made.
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