AVS Audio Editor Troubleshooting
Error (Message) Description
AVS Audio Editor shows the disabled audio devices in the audio device list under Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows Vista with some computer audio cards) but would not let the user enable them, giving the error message:

How to solve the problem:
Click the Options...
button of the Tools Tab (or the Advanced
button of the Record Tab) and switch to the Recording tab in the opened Options window:

Click the Windows recording control button to open the Windows sound recording devices dialog window:

Click anywhere within the opened window with the right mouse button and select the Show Disabled Devices menu option. After that all the available disabled devices will be shown.
Select the necessary audio device and click it with the right mouse button:

Select the Enable from the right-click menu. After that you can close the window clicking the OK button.
Now the necessary device will be present and available for selection (marked Enabled) in the devices list of the Options window: