Splitting Audio Files
AVS Audio Converter allows you to split your audio into several parts and save them separately.

Start AVS Audio Converter.
Load the audio file you wish to split into AVS Audio Converter. Use the Add File, Grab from CD or Import from Video option to do that.
Set markers to mark the beginning of each new file.
Switch to the Editor Tab and double-click the file you want to split. It will be displayed within the Edit Area.
Move the cursor within the Waveform Display and press the Add Marker button on the Editor Tab. Or double-click the left mouse button within the gray bar between the Display Range Bar and the Waveform Display (where the mouse standard cursor changes into a hand).
Click the Split by Markers
command button on the Editor Tab
Set the desired output file format clicking the corresponding button on the Convert Tab and choose one of the available profiles or adjust the output parameters manually. To learn more refer to the Using Profile Editors section.
Set the location for the resulting audio tracks on your HDD pressing the Browse button located in the Output Audio Area.
Click the Convert Now! button to start the conversion process.
When the conversion is over open the folder with the resulting files. The audio will be divided into several files that will begin and end at the points where the markers are placed. They will be named as Input File Name + the order number.