Express Menu
To facilitate the access to the main program features you can use the Express Menu. To activate it right-click within the Input Audio Area. The Express Menu looks different depending on the tab you select on the AVS Audio Converter Ribbon Command Bar.

RAW Options |
Use it to open the RAW Options window (available if a raw audio track is selected). |
Add File |
Use it to load an audio file into the program. |
Add Folder |
Use it to load a folder containing a number of audio files into the program. |
Grab from CD |
Use it to grab audio CDs and import the grabbed audio into the program. |
Import from Video |
Use it to load the audio track of a video file into the program. |
Rename |
Use it to rename the currently selected audio track (available if an audio track is selected). |
Remove |
Use it to remove the selected audio track from the conversion list. |
Remove All |
Use it to clear the conversion list. |

RAW Options |
Use it to open the RAW Options window (available if a raw audio track is selected). |
Apply Tags to Target |
Use it to apply the changes made in the tag information fields to the currently edited audio track (available if an audio track is selected). |
Apply Tags to All Target Files |
Use it to apply the changes made in the tag information fields to all files loaded into Input Audio Area (available if an audio track is selected). |
Apply Tags to Source File |
Use it to save the information you entered in audio tag fields to the source audio file (available if an audio track is selected). |
Clear Info |
Use it to delete all the information you entered in audio tag fields (available if an audio track is selected). |
Reset |
Use it to restore default information in all tag information fields (available if an audio track is selected). |
Add File |
Use it to load an audio file into the program. |
Add Folder |
Use it to load a folder containing a number of audio files into the program. |
Grab from CD |
Use it to grab audio CDs and import the grabbed audio into the program. |
Import from Video |
Use it to load the audio track of a video file into the program. |
Rename |
Use it to rename the currently selected audio track (available if an audio track is selected). |
Remove |
Use it to remove the selected audio track from the conversion list. |
Remove All |
Use it to clear the conversion list. |
Express Menu when the Editor Tab is selected

Edit File |
Use it to open the currently selected file for editing (available if an audio track is selected). |
Apply Changes |
Use it to apply the changes you made (available if an audio track is selected). |
Reload File |
Use it to discard all the changes you made and reopen the file for editing (available if an audio track is selected). |
Discard All Changes |
Use it to discard all the changes you made (available if an audio track is selected). |
RAW Options |
Use it to open the RAW Options window (available if a raw audio track is selected). |
Add File |
Use it to load an audio file into the program. |
Add Folder |
Use it to load a folder containing a number of audio files into the program. |
Grab from CD |
Use it to grab audio CDs and import the grabbed audio into the program. |
Import from Video |
Use it to load the audio track of a video file into the program. |
Rename |
Use it to rename the currently selected audio track (available if an audio track is selected). |
Remove |
Use it to remove the selected audio track from the conversion list. |
Remove All |
Use it to clear the conversion list. |