Converting to DOCX Format

Please follow the steps below to convert your text files to DOCX format:
- Load the documents you wish to convert into AVS Document Converter.
- Click the To DOCX button of the Working Area to set the format you would like to convert your files to.
when you convert PDF files to DOCX format you can select one of the formatting options from the Format Settings section:
- Per Character - use it to achieve the exact representation of your document. But this setting has a significant impact on the file size.
- Line by Line - use it to organize text on a line by line basis preserving much of the specific formatting.
- Word Processing - use it if you plan to edit the converted document in a word processing application such as Microsoft Word.
the current version of the program doesn't allow you to recognize text in scanned PDF documents.
- Select the output name. Open the Rename section and select the appropriate preset.
- Export images from your documents, if necessary, using the Extract Images section.
- Set the location for the resulting files. To do that press the Browse button located in the Output File Area and select the desired location on your HDD.
- Press the Convert Now! button to start the conversion process.