Changing Clip Sequence
After deleting all the unwanted parts you can set the sequence of the video clips remaining at the Timeline.
To do it please select the clip whose place in the video you would like to change and use the appropriate option of the Edit section of the Main Menu or the same option of the express menu.
When you choose the Move Left option the selected video clip will change places with the adjacent left video clip and vice versa - selecting the Move Right option will change the place of the selected video and the adjacent right video clip.
You can also set the video clip sequence using the Timeline. Click the clip whose place you would like to change with the left mouse button, the mouse cursor will change into a hand
, then without releasing the mouse button move the clip left or right in a desired position.

Note: If you want the selected video clip to change places with the left adjacent clip move it to the middle or more to the left of the previous clip. If not the transition will be created between these two clips.
When you release the mouse button, the video clip position will be changed.

The same way you can change the place of any video clip setting the necessary clip sequence.