Create ISO
Using the Create ISO button you can create an image from your disc or from files stored on your HDD. You can burn this image onto a CD, DVD or BD later if you would like to using AVS Disc Creator or mount it to some third party virtual drive. AVS Disc Creator supports a variety of disc image formats.

To create a disc image proceed through the following easy steps:
Press the Create ISO button on the Main Toolbar.
Select whether you would like to create a disc image from an optical disc or from your HDD.
If you want to create an image from a disc, insert a CD/DVD/Blu-ray disc into your optical drive. Select this drive in the Drive Selection Dropdown List if you have several drives in your system. The disc inserted into the drive will be automatically detected and opened.
If you want to create an image from HDD, click the Add Files... button to open the Select Files/Folders window and add files to the Files and Folders Area.
Have a look at the Disc Size Meter to make sure all the data fits to the inserted disc.
Click the Start Creating ISO! button to open the window that will let you select the output folder for your disc image and give it a certain name. After clicking the Save button the image creation process will begin.
Note: if you want to create an ISO image from a multisessional audio disc, use the
Copy Disc task. Otherwise the ISO image will be created from the first session only.