Blur Effects
AVS4YOU programs offer three blur variations.
Blur reduces contrast between adjacent pixels by lightening pixels next to well-defined edges and shadows, visually smoothing and softening the image.
In the Properties Area of the Video Effect window you can change the effect propertieschange the effect properties.
The only property of the Blur effect available for setting is blur level.

In the figures below you can see the video picture before and after applying the Blur effect:
Before applying the Blur effect
After applying the Blur effect
Gaussian Blur
Gaussian Blur uses a mathematical equation (a bell-shaped curve) to calculate the transition between adjacent pixels, resulting in a smooth blur producing an effect of viewing the image through a translucent screen. The
Gaussian Blur adds low-frequency detail and can produce a hazy effect.
In the Properties Area of the Video Effect window you can change the effect propertieschange the effect properties.
The only property of the Gaussian Blur effect available for setting is size.

In the figures below you can see the video picture before and after applying the Gaussian Blur effect:
Before applying the Gaussian Blur effect
After applying the Gaussian Blur effect
Motion Blur
Motion Blur gives the impression of motion in the image by adding directional and angle controls for the blurring process. You can choose an angle between -90° to 90° and a distance from 1 to 999 pixels to control the effects of the Motion Blur.
In the Properties Area of the Video Effect window you can change the effect propertieschange the effect properties.
The properties of the Motion Blur effect available for setting are its angle and distance.

In the figures below you can see the video picture before and after applying the Motion Blur effect:
Before applying the Motion Blur effect
After applying the Motion Blur effect