Working with Projects
Working with AVS Video Editor is built around the project conception. This means that once a project is created and saved, the next time saving the video to some other format will be very fast and easy - you simply load the same project and click the Produce... button.
Projects are also very useful in case you do not have a possibility to create, edit and save your video all at once. If this is your case, you will need to save the project and next time start from the place where you left your editing.
The project file represents a data file with a .vep extension containing the information on the video and audio clips, effects and transitions added to your movie. You cannot read the saved project with a third-party application, only AVS Video Editor is able to open (or reopen) the created project file.
Note: it is strongly recommended not to change the location of the media files used in your project while working on it. If one of the media files was removed, replaced or renamed, you will see the
File Not Found notification in the
Media Library.

Working with projects is done the following way:
- You can create a new project of yours.
- Set the project parameters so that it could meet your requirements.
- Save your created project to be able to use it in the future.
Note: the project file will only contain all the necessary information on the video clips and your actions, but not these elements themselves.
- Or alternatively open an already saved project to additionally edit it or save your created video into some other format.