Viewing File Info/Editing Audio Tags
When you first open a file it might be quite useful to know as much information about it as possible. This can be done pressing the Info/Tags
button on the File Tab:

The File Info tab of the opened window contains the following information:
The File section contains information about File Name, File Size and its Duration.
The Audio section contains information about audio track properties including Sample Rate, Sample Size, the Number of Channels and Codec used to compress it.
The Video section displays information only in case you load a video file into the program. It includes video file Size, Aspect Ratio, Frame Rate, Bitrate and the Codec used for video file compression.

The Tag Info tab contains the list of audio tags that can be edited and saved to output audio file. Audio tags are built-in text information about audio files such as track name and number, author of the song, its release date etc. It might be useful to fill out the tag fields, because many audio players use tags rather than file names when playing back audio files.
Fill out the tag fields you consider necessary (all fields are optional). Then press the Save button to accept the changes and close the File Info window, the Reset button to return to the original tag information or the Close button to discard the changes and close the window.