Frequency Analysis Window

Frequency Analysis Window contains a graph of the frequencies at the insertion point (yellow arrow cursor) or at the center of a selection. This window "floats", meaning that you can click in the waveform on the main AVS Audio Editor window to update the analysis while the Frequency Analysis window is on top.
The information in this dialog is like one "slice" or line in the Spectral View of the waveform. The most prominent frequency is interpolated and displayed. You can move the mouse over the graph area to display the frequency and amplitude components of that frequency.
The Frequency Analysis window is updated in real time while you play your file.
You can select the properties of the Frequency Analysis using the appropriate options:
FFT Size - the size of the FFT filter. You can select between the following values: 64, 256, 1024, 4096 and 16384.
Window - the amount of transition width and ripple cancellation that occurs during filtering, with each one resulting in a different frequency response curve. You can select between None, Welch, Bartlett, Hanning and Hamming.
View Type - the appearance of the graph. You can select between Analog, Normal, Fire, Glass and Kryptonite depending on your needs and preferences.
Visible Channels - the number of channels of the audio used to produce the Frequency Analysis. You can either select all the channels or switch off some of them. One of the channels have always to stay on.
To display the Frequency Analysis window, switch to the Tools Tab and press the Frecuency Analysis button.