File |
 New |
Use it to create a new audio file. |
 Open... |
Use it to open an existing audio file. When you load a file for editing, AVS Audio Editor converts the audio file type to its own internal temporary file type for faster editing and better handling of larger file sizes. Clicking the arrow below this button will additionally display the Open as..., Open and Append... and Recent Files options. |
 Open as... |
Use it to open an existing audio file as if it were a file of some other format. See the Open as.. section for more detail on it. |
 Open and Append... |
Use it to open an existing audio file and append it to the end of the previously opened file. The newly created file will consist of two opened files at once, the second one starting where the first one ends. |
Recent Files |
Use it to display the list of 5 audio files most recently loaded into AVS Audio Editor. |
 Save |
Use it to save the active audio file with its current file name and location. Clicking the arrow below this button will additionally display the Save as..., Save Selection as... and Save All options. |
 Save as... |
Use it to save the active audio file with a different file name and/or location, in a different file format. |
 Save Selection as |
Use it to save just the highlighted selection to a file. |
 Save All |
Use it to save all the changes to all the opened edited files. |
 Import from Video |
Use it to import the audio track(s) of a video file into the program. |
 Grab from CD |
Use it to grab an audio CD and add the grabbed tracks to the program. |
Edit |
 Copy |
Use it to copy the selection into the program internal clipboard. It is used when you work with one file within one copy of AVS Audio Editor. Clicking the arrow below this button will additionallly display the Copy to New... and Copy to Win Clipboard options. |
 Copy to New... |
Use it to copy the selection or the whole audio file into a new one. A new file will be automatically created and opened. |
 Copy to Win Clipboard |
Use it to copy the selection into the windows clipboard so that it would be available to other opened programs. It is used when you work with two or more copies of AVS Audio Editor and want to copy/paste from one program to another. |
 Paste |
Use it to insert the contents of the internal clipboard at the insertion point or to replace any selection. Clicking the arrow below this button will additionally display the Paste from Clipboard... option. |
 Paste from Clipboard... |
Use it to insert the contents of the windows clipboard at the insertion point or to replace any selection. |
 Cut |
Use it to remove the selection from the active file and place it to the program internal clipboard. |
 Delete |
Use it to remove the current selection. The deleted portion is not copied to the clipboard, and can only be retrieved through Undo. |
 Trim to Selection |
Use it to delete everything except the selected portion (the exact opposite of Delete). |
 Undo |
Use it to reverse the last command, such as deletion, transforms, etc. If this option is not available, it means there is no action to undo. AVS Audio Editor allows virtually unlimited (limited only by hard drive space) levels of Undo. |
 Redo |
Use it to repeat your latest undone action. |
View |
 Waveform |
Use it to choose a Waveform View mode for viewing data. It displays audio data in the familiar sound wave format, where y-axis (vertical) represents amplitude and x-axis (horizontal) represents time. |
 Spectral |
Use it to choose a Spectral View mode for viewing data. It displays a waveform by its frequency components, where x-axis (horizontal) is time, and y-axis (vertical) is frequency. This allows you to analyze your audio data to see which frequencies are most prevalent. |
 Envelope |
Use it to choose a Envelope View mode for viewing data. It displays audio data in the familiar sound wave format, where y-axis (vertical) represents amplitude and x-axis (horizontal) represents time. It is the same as the Waveform View but its boundaries are smoothed. |
Recent Effects |
Use it to get quick access to most recently used audio effects and filters. |