The Echo effect allows you to create an echo effect of your audio track by replaying the sounds of the selected audio portion after a certain period of time.
Use the Play buttons to listen to and compare the sound before and after applying the Echo effect:
How to Apply
All effects and filters are applied in the same way in AVS Audio Editor. For detailed step-by-step instructions on how to apply effects to your audio files, click here.
Echo Settings
To apply the effect, use one of the available presets or configure the effect parameters manually.

The following Echo settings are available for editing:
- Echo Level - defines the delayed sound volume level in relation to the original sound. If you set it to 100%, the original sound and its echo will have equal volume. If you set it to 0, no echo will be heard at all.
- Delay Time - sets the point in milliseconds at which echo starts behind the original signal. The minimal delay time is 100 ms. If you set a bigger value, the distance between the original and delayed sound will grow.
- Feedback - determines how much of the affected sound is sent back to the input to be processed again. Use it for multiple echoes.