Batch Processing
When you want to apply one and the same effect to several files, or several effects to one and the same file, or several identical effects to several files, it can be done quite easily with the help of the Batch Processing option of AVS Audio Editor.
Click the Batch command button on the Effects Tab. The following window will be opened:

Here you can select the effects you would like to apply to the audio file (or files, if there are several of them loaded into AVS Audio Editor), the order in which they will be applied and their properties.
First of all you can select an effect preset from the list of available ones using the Batch Presets drop-down list. You can also delete the presets you no longer need using the Delete Preset from List
button. In case you change some of the preset settings (effects in the list, effect parameters, or something else) or create an absolutely new preset, you can save it using the Save Preset
To change the presets order select one of the effects with the mouse and use the Move Up
and Move Down
The new effects are added to the effects list using the Effects >> button. The list of all the available effects will be opened to let you select the necessary one:

After the effect is added its settings can be easily changed using the Properties button. Please, read the effects description section to find out more on each effect settings.
The effects are removed from the list with the help of Delete button (do not forget to select the effect to be deleted with the mouse before you press that button). The Preview button is used to make sure that the result of the effects application is the one you really need.
The list of files to be used for the effects application can be viewed and changed at the Processed Files tab:

Check the files with the mouse or uncheck the ones that should be excluded from the batch effects application. You can also load additional files to the list using the Open File button. When ready press the OK button to accept changes and close the window, or Cancel to discard all the changes and continue work with AVS Audio Editor.
Note: the
Batch Processing is used to apply multiple effects to one or several audio files. To save multiple files please use the
Save All
command button on the
Home or
File tabs.