The Envelope effect allows you to increase the volume of some specific fragments of an audio track and decrease the sound volume of other fragments. It is usually used to smooth the beginning or end of audio tracks. It is also useful for creating audio loops and samples.
Use the Play buttons to listen to and compare the sound before and after applying the Envelope effect:
How to Apply
All effects and filters are applied in the same way in AVS Audio Editor. For detailed step-by-step instructions on how to apply effects to your audio files, click here.
Envelope Settings
The Envelope effect is achieved by changing the audio file amplitude in accordance with the specified coordinates. To modify the amplitude, please use the following settings:

use the envelope scale to set the maximum output level. If you set the scale to 400% with the envelope line going along the top, this will make the output sound 4 times as loud as the original. If you zoom in the scale up to 100%, the maximal output volume will correspond to the orginal, and you will be able only to decrease the output volume.
use envelope points to modulate the volume of an audio track. To add a point, double-click on the envelope line. To delete a point, drag it anywhere beyond the limits of the waveform display. Drag the point upwards to amplify the original sound. Drag it downwards to decrease the sound volume.
check the Spline option to smooth the envelope graph.