Generating Signal
To generate the sound of some frequency you need to open an audio file or create a new one, select the part of the file where you want to have your signal and click the Signal button on the Generate Tab. The following window will be opened:

You can set the following signal properties:
Select the type of the base signal used to create the sound:
- select between the Sine, Square and Sawtooth type of the signal;
- set the base signal Level in decibels;
- select its main Frequency (in Herz);
- set the signal Duration in milliseconds.
Set the signal Fading properties:
- Fade Level, the level of the signal change - increase or decrease - in time flow (in decibels);
- Fading Time, the time in which the Fade Level is reached (in milliseconds).
Select the Modulation parameters:
- Modulation Rate used to change the signal applying a signal of different frequency over it (specified in Herz);
- Modulation Depth - the intensity of the frequency modulation (in percent).
Note: if you change the signal settings, you can save them as a preset to be able to use them afterwards. Use the
Add button to do that.
Click Preview to make sure that the result is alright, OK to apply the settings and close the effect window, or the Cancel button to discard the changes.