The Reverse effect is used to make a selection play backwards by reversing the order of its samples. It creates an effect of reverse (backward) playback. It is also useful for creating special effects.
Use the Play buttons to listen to and compare the sound before and after applying the Reverse effect:
How to apply
Add the audio file to the Waveform Editing Space.
Select the part of the file you would like to apply the effect to. Leave it unselected to apply the effect to the whole file.
Click the Reverse button on the Effects Tab or double-click the Reverse effect on the Files and Effects Panel.
Wait while the progam applies the effect. Click Cancel at any time to abort the process.

This effect does not have any settings and will be simply applied so that either the selected part will be reverted or the whole audio if nothing has been selected.
Note: On multichannel (containing two and more channels) waveforms, all channels are reversed.